Storycrafter Program

Start with an idea... end with a publishable novel

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It's time for you to launch your brilliant writing career!

EASY, Step-by-Step Novel Building

What do you need to write a novel?

Talent? Maybe.

A plan to get there? Absolutely!

Will you need encouragement? Probably.

How about hard work? Without a doubt.

Getting published isn't magic, it's putting your backside in the chair, rolling up your sleeves and diving in. We'll give you everything but the elbow grease.


Listen, a great novel is one that is well-structured, sweated out on the page, with proven techniques to draw the reader emotionally into the story. It's compelling characters, riveting, unique plots and tension -filled scenes wrapped up in a theme we care about.

We'll teach you not only the tricks but the tools to get the story on the page.

With an Award-Winning, Best-Selling COACH

I've coached hundreds of writers into publication, onto best-seller lists, and onto awards platforms. (Plus, in my other life I live what I teach. As a best-selling author of over 50 novels, I've won the Rita, the Christy, and the Carol award multiple times.)

Proven Methods that will show you:

  • Exactly how bestselling novels are designed
  • How to create dynamic characters
  • How to construct tension-filled scenes... that keep readers devouring pages
  • How to build sizzling dialogue
  • How to develop riveting plots that keep readers guessing
  • And once you're finished, how to sell your novel

Your Instructor

Susan May Warren
Susan May Warren

Hi. I'm Susan May Warren. I started writing while I lived in Siberia (yes, you heard that right--cold, snowy, Siberia). Alone. No one to help me, overwhelmed and not a little discouraged. Twenty years later, I've published over 80 books in five different genres, have landed on numerous bestseller lists (including USA Today bestselling), won the RITA, CHRISTY and CAROL awards (and others) and started a school for novelists.

I've learned a few things along the way (beyond techniques on how to stay warm in the tundra!) Most importantly I learned that if I wanted to be published, I had to figure out how to write a book, how to edit it, how to step back from my stories, look at them with a critical eye, figure out what a good manuscript looks like, and then use my unique voice to make that happen.

First, write a good book. Then, learn how to sell it.

This is the foundation of NovelAcademy. Learning. Editing. Growing...Getting published and Staying published.

Course Curriculum

Included Courses

Starting Kit for Aspiring Novelists
Get Published and Stay Published
Susan May Warren
The Story Equation Mini-Course
How to Plot & Write a Brilliant story from one powerful question
Susan May Warren
Build-A-Book: A step-by-step primer on building a book
11 Lessons in Plotting and Drafting
Susan May Warren
The Big 10: The 10 Essential Elements to a Riveting First Chapter
Learn everything you need to create a powerful first chapter
Susan May Warren

Frequently Asked Questions

When does the course start and finish?
The course starts now and never ends! It is a completely self-paced online course - you decide when you start and when you finish.
How long do I have access to the course?
How does lifetime access sound? After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course for as long as you like - across any and all devices you own.
What if I am unhappy with the course?
We would never want you to be unhappy! If you are unsatisfied with your purchase, contact us in the first 30 days and we will give you a full refund.

About the Program

Step-by-step Lessons on how to write a novel, ~ A dedicated coach ~ A supportive writing network.

MBT is excited to present our premier, private Storycrafter’s retreat in an online coaching format.

It’s an 8 module, 40 step roadmap to discovering, creating and publishing the novel in you.

Most of all, it’s in-depth teaching of my method by me, award-winning, best-selling author, Susie May Warren. I’ve written over 40 novels, in nearly genre and I’ve been teaching people how to write for nearly a decade. Many of my authors have landed on the best-seller list and won awards. I love to coach people on their journey and I have put together a program to help you get published. Presented in both audio format for your consumption on your ipod, mp3 device or your computer, and pdfs., it is available online or you can download it into your computer and keep it forever. In other words, you consume on your terms, at your pace.

We'll cover:

  • Writer’s Life Training-Finding the time and creating discipline to write
  • The theme and Story Question of your book that will make your book worth reading
  • The Basic Plot
  • Plotting the inner journey.
  • Creating the Perfect Hero
  • Create the Perfect Heroine
  • Crafting Your Premise in Six Easy Steps!
  • The Whens, Whys and Hows of Your Inciting Incident
  • The Six Elements to Crafting your First Scene!
  • Putting It All Together: Tell yourself the Story
  • How to make a SCENE!
  • Build the elements of an Action and ReAction scene
  • Scene Flow and Point-of-View
  • Storyworld
  • The Scene Hook
  • Creating Scene Tension
  • Hero/Heroine Identification - helping your reader relate
  • Writing Emotions
  • Starting your scene in the right place
  • Let’s Talk: Dialogue!
  • How to Handle Internal Monologue
  • How to Show and not Tell
  • Editing Your Scene
  • Putting It All Together: Writing the Synopsis
  • Crafting Your PITCH
  • Create your Pitch Sheet.
  • Build Your Query Letter
  • Understanding Sample Chapters
  • Extra! Planning Your Writing Career
  • And much more!

My Book Therapy has a proven method for teaching novelists how to write their story, and with this course, it’s like having a writing coach sitting beside you, cheering you on and guiding you in the journey.

Module One: Building the Writer’s Life

What do you want to write? Why? How will you accomplish this task, and really, what do you want to write? Module One sets you up for success as you lay the kindling for your journey.

Module Two: Plotting Basics

A powerful story is about a character, interacting with a theme, or story question, who embarks on a journey. Module Two helps you discover your theme and sets up your story framework, as well as introduces the basics on creating a compelling hero and heroine!

Module Three: Creating Characters

Dive deep into character creation in Module Three, digging deep to find the right character motivations and develping the essential Character change journey.

Module Four: Jumpstarting your Plot

How and where do you start your story? Module Four will help you pull all your plotting elements together into a cohesive story, cumulating in a powerful Premise. then you’ll learn how to build that powerful inciting incident, and craft your amazing first scene!

Module Five: Scene Basics

Storybuilding is all about creating powerful, tension-filled scenes! Module Five covers the different scenes and their structures, how to create storyworld, and the secret sauce to building tension for every scene!

Module Six: Scene STARTER

It’s time to get the words on the page! Learn how to HOOK your reader with 5 powerful elements essential for every scene.

Module Seven: Scene SKILLS

Dialogue. Internal Monologue. Point-of-View. Editing. Make your scene publishable with Module Seven.

Module Eight: Sell your Novel

It’s time to sell your novel! Learn how to pitch, build a premise, a query letter and a marketing plan - in other words, create a powerful proposal!

My Personal Guarantee

My goal is for you to succeed as a novelist, and I believe so much that you'll love this course that if, after 30 days, you aren't loving this course and building your novel, then I want to give you your money back. No questions asked.

You CAN write a brilliant novel. Let's do this!