Beyond He Said, She Said: The Art of Dialogue!
Learn how to write powerful dialogue
A great book starts with a powerful first scene…and builds scene by scene from there. But a great scene has many components that must work together to create tension, emotional layering and connection and leave the reader wanting to turn the page. One of those components is powerful dialogue.
Okay, I admit it. Dialogue is my favorite part of a book. I just love to hear people get into arguments, dodge questions, tell it like it is, and most of all, give each other what for. Sometimes (and this is the schizophrenic writer side of me) I will even talk out loud as I’m writing dialogue, just to get the inflections right. (Besides, I can say anything to myself and not get into trouble!)
But what is the secret to powerful dialogue? What’s the difference between writing dialogue that zings and mind-numbing conversations that cause a book to end face down on the bureau collecting dust?
In this 6 part video series, you’ll the purpose of dialogue, the rhythm and flow, how to create subtexting, how to add Sizzle, adding in meaningful action, the right body language and tone, punctuation techniques and even how to add in the right Internal monologue. It’s the words – and beyond – to build powerful dialogue!
Your Instructor
Hi. I'm Susan May Warren. I started writing while I lived in Siberia (yes, you heard that right--cold, snowy, Siberia). Alone. No one to help me, overwhelmed and not a little discouraged. Twenty years later, I've published over 80 books in five different genres, have landed on numerous bestseller lists (including USA Today bestselling), won the RITA, CHRISTY and CAROL awards (and others) and started a school for novelists.
I've learned a few things along the way (beyond techniques on how to stay warm in the tundra!) Most importantly I learned that if I wanted to be published, I had to figure out how to write a book, how to edit it, how to step back from my stories, look at them with a critical eye, figure out what a good manuscript looks like, and then use my unique voice to make that happen.
First, write a good book. Then, learn how to sell it.
This is the foundation of NovelAcademy. Learning. Editing. Growing...Getting published and Staying published.