STQ--Scene Tension Equation
We understand how launching out into a goal, a dream, or a serious endeavor like writing a novel is, well, daunting. You have the fire, the idea, and the characters, but how do you keep going?
(And going...)
We can help you hone your skills and achieve your writing goals. We are now offering single classes for non-members who would like to purchase lessons to help grow their writing careers.
Picture yourself on the edge of your seat, eyes fixated on the screen or pages before you, eagerly awaiting the next twist, the next turn. What keeps you hooked?
It's tension—the lifeblood of storytelling. But how do you create great tension and what is the difference between tension and conflict?
Conflict encompasses the challenges, obstacles, and problems that arise within a story, while tension refers to the taut emotions, the push and pull, and the sense of being torn in different directions. Tension comes from the POV character wanting something, and fear that they won’t get it. Tension is created by a recipe of ingredients, all working together in the scene.
We call it the STQ, or Scene Tension Equation.
I'll explain what it is, how to use it, and help you to go more in depth for a stronger story.
What You Can Do, or Dream You Can, Begin It; Boldness Has Genius, Power, and Magic in It.
Go! Write Something Brilliant!
Susie May
Your Instructor