The Big 10: The 10 Essential Elements to a Riveting First Chapter

Learn everything you need to create a powerful first chapter

We understand how launching out into a goal, a dream, or a serious endeavor like writing a novel is, well, daunting. You have the fire, the idea, and the characters, but how do you keep going?

(And going...)

As you begin the new year, we can help you hone your skills and achieve your writing goals. We are now offering single classes for non-members who would like to purchase lessons to help grow their writing careers.

Your first chapter is the most important. If a reader isn’t captured by the end of chapter one, they’ll miss the rest. Learn the ten elements that must be in your first chapter if you want to capture your reader, including an overview of a SHARP hook.

Course Curriculum

  Essential Elements for a Riveting First Chapter
Available in days
days after you enroll

Your Instructor

Susan May Warren
Susan May Warren

Hi. I'm Susan May Warren. I started writing while I lived in Siberia (yes, you heard that right--cold, snowy, Siberia). Alone. No one to help me, overwhelmed and not a little discouraged. Twenty years later, I've published over 80 books in five different genres, have landed on numerous bestseller lists (including USA Today bestselling), won the RITA, CHRISTY and CAROL awards (and others) and started a school for novelists.

I've learned a few things along the way (beyond techniques on how to stay warm in the tundra!) Most importantly I learned that if I wanted to be published, I had to figure out how to write a book, how to edit it, how to step back from my stories, look at them with a critical eye, figure out what a good manuscript looks like, and then use my unique voice to make that happen.

First, write a good book. Then, learn how to sell it.

This is the foundation of NovelAcademy. Learning. Editing. Growing...Getting published and Staying published.

Get started now!