Novel Academy Membership

Because your Story Matters

Classes. Coaching. Community.

The tools to get you published…and help you build a career.

Over 100 hours of classes on inspiration, brainstorming, plotting, characterization, scene creation, editing, pitching, selling, marketing, indie publishing, finding and keeping readers, interviews with the pros and much, much more!


Access to our weekly member webinar (we call it a Peptalk!)

Sometimes you just want to ask a question. Or hang out with other like-minded people. Or maybe even get one-on-one help. Attend our Weekly VIDEO show – A Peptalk on writing craft or the Business of Writing!


Exclusive Access to the Basic Writing Classes!

But how does an author look at their book objectively and make it publishable? You start with the Basic Writing Classes and build the right foundation for your novel.

I remember the first time I got feedback on a story I’d written. “Overwriting.” “Flat characters.” “Unbelievable plot.” “Doesn’t draw me in.” I stared at the rejection letter, baffled. (While wiping my tears). I hadn’t a clue how to decipher the words on the page – let alone fix my story.

Hi. I'm Susan May Warren. I started writing while I lived in Siberia (yes, you heard that right--cold, snowy, Siberia). Alone. No one to help me, overwhelmed and not a little discouraged. Fifteen years later, I've published over 60 books in five different genres, have landed on numerous bestseller lists (including USA Today bestselling), won the RITA, CHRISTY and CAROL awards (and others) and stared a school for novelists.

I've learned a few things along the way (beyond techniques on how to stay warm in the tundra!) Most importantly I learned that if I wanted to be published, I had to figure out how to write a book, how to edit it, how to step back from my stories, look at them with a critical eye, figure out what a good manuscript looks like, and then use my unique voice to make that happen.

First, write a good book. Then, learn how to sell it.

This is the foundation of NovelAcademy. Learning. Editing. Growing...Getting published and Staying published.

Get started now!


First, we start with the big questions:

Does your PLOT work?

When assessing your story, the first stop must be untangling that plot to look at all the pieces to make sure each is solid before re-building. That means an understanding of PLOT structure, how PLOT works in the life of the Character, digging down into Character to understand their unique role in the story, and laying out the story in the right rhythm.

But you can’t stop there.

Does your CHARACTER grow?

The second step in your journey is diving deep into your character, understanding the key elements that make him tic (We call this the Dark Moment) and weaving this journey subtly into the plot.

We call this The Story Equation and it is the secret to creating a unique and powerful story. In Novel Academy, you'll learn how to use this powerful method for a unique and compelling story.

However, without compelling SCENES, your story will go nowhere.

Do you have the right SCENE Rhythm and Structure?

The plot is simply the framework; the characters are the players. A great story is revealed scene by scene, in the right rhythm, to give the reader a powerful emotional response.

We teach authors how to go scene by scene to analyze and fix their stories – much like a designer might design each room in a house to flow together.

But that’s not all.

Do you tell the story in your voice?

Readers are drawn to an author’s voice – the personality plus the prose on the page. Once the story is built, with the correct characters, and the scenes lined up properly, it must be overhauled, word by word, to eke out the author’s voice. This means grappling with grammar principles, and applying word-smithing skills. An author must understand the power of description, how to weave in the right character information (versus backstory), and what overwriting looks like.

This is how you take your writing from good…to great.

Some of the lessons covered:

  • Building your Character Identity: Who are you?
  • Charting the Inner Journey: Lie Journey Overview
  • Dark Moment Plotting and Characterization
  • How do you create the Happily Ever After Ending?
  • 7 Tips on Deepening your Character on the page
  • The Importance of Story Stakes
  • Creating Storyworld
  • Creating Character Emotions
  • First Chapter Basics
  • Storyquestion
  • Pitch/Hook
  • Plotting the Twists and Turns
  • Story Rhythm through Scenes
  • Push Pull Rhythm
  • Dark Moment Plotting and Characterization
  • Charting the Inner Journey: Lie Journey Overview
  • Story Rhythm through Scenes
  • Understanding and Creating Scene Tension
  • Plotting the Twists and Turns
  • Turning Points
  • Dialogue
  • Show Versus Tell
  • Active Description
  • Static Description
  • to hone your VOICE!

But that's STILL not all!

We're not just about CRAFT but building your CAREER with our Novel Career classes!


  • How to pitch your book to agents and editors
  • How to create a proposal and marketing plan
  • How to INDIE publish your book, including back cover copy and when and how to publish
  • How to plan for a lucrative career
  • How to launch your book
  • How to grow your audience
  • How to create powerful series
  • How to find inspiration
  • ....and much much more!

Included Courses

Build-A-Book: A step-by-step primer on building a book
11 Lessons in Plotting and Drafting
Susan May Warren
Basic Writing Classes - Characterization
Susan May Warren
Basic Writing Classes - Scene Crafting
Susan May Warren
Basic Writing Classes - Storycrafting
Susan May Warren
Peptalks - Advanced Writing Techniques
Susan May Warren
Peptalks - Book Clubs
Susan May Warren
Courses to help you with developing three-dimensional characters
Susan May Warren
Peptalks - Conference Prep
Tips & Tricks to Help You Prepare for Conferences
Susan May Warren
Peptalks - Editing
Susan May Warren
Peptalk - Feedback
Susan May Warren
Peptalks - Know Your Genre
Susan May Warren
Trends & tips to help build your marketing platform
Susan May Warren
Peptalks - NaNoWriMo Prep
Tips & Tricks to Help You Prepare for NaNoWriMo
Susan May Warren
Peptalks - Publishing Strategies
Selling your own novel successfully
Susan May Warren
Peptalks - General Storycrafting
Susan May Warren
Peptalks - Writer's Life
Susan May Warren
Business Success Series: Indie Publishing Workshops
Be a rock star as an Indie Author!
Susan May Warren
Business Success Series: Traditional Publishing Workshops
Build an empire as a traditional author
Susan May Warren
Writing & Business Strategy Workshops
Plan for Writing Success
Susan May Warren
Peptalks - Plotting and Characterization (The Story Equation)
Susan May Warren
Stay on top of your publishing career with peptalks on craft, marketing, indie publishing, and career building
13 Course Bundle
Checklists, PDFs, and Infographics
Susan May Warren
Peptalks - Brainstorming
Susan May Warren
Beyond He Said, She Said: The Art of Dialogue!
Learn how to write powerful dialogue
Susan May Warren

Get started now!

Course Curriculum

Your Instructor

Susan May Warren
Susan May Warren
Hi. I'm Susan May Warren. I started writing while I lived in Siberia (yes, you heard that right--cold, snowy, Siberia). Alone. No one to help me, overwhelmed and not a little discouraged. Eighteen years later, I've published over 80 books in five different genres, have landed on numerous bestseller lists (including USA Today), won the RITA, CHRISTY and CAROL awards (and others) and started a school for novelists.

I've learned a few things along the way (beyond techniques on how to stay warm in the tundra!) Most importantly I learned that if I wanted to be published, I had to figure out how to write a book, how to edit it, how to step back from my stories, look at them with a critical eye, figure out what a good manuscript looks like, and then use my unique voice to make that happen.

I'd like to teach you how to write a good book. Edit it...and then, we'll talk about selling it.

Frequently Asked Questions

When does the course start and finish?
The course starts now and never ends! It is a completely self-paced online course - you decide when you start and when you finish.
How long do I have access to the course?
How does lifetime access sound? After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course for as long as you like - across any and all devices you own.
What if I am unhappy with the course?
We would never want you to be unhappy! If you are unsatisfied with your purchase, contact us in the first 30 days and we will give you a full refund.